Construction Site Diary – Why should I buy one?
The Diary designed by Recoup is an essential item on every project site no matter how big or small.
The Diary requires you to record all specific details of the people/company you have contracted with. This is crucial if a dispute arises and you wish to make a claim under the Security of Payments Act as there will be no dispute as to the entity that owes you the money.
One page spread is to be used for each day worked on site. This includes:
- Contract Works Completed Today
- Variations to Contract Works Completed Today
i. Authorised By?
ii. Authorised How?
- Additional Works Outside of Contract works Completed today
i. Authorised By?
ii. Authorised How?
- Client Instructions Received today
- Authorities Approvals/Contact Today
- Documentation Received Today
- Weather Today
- Delays Today
- Photos taken today
- General miscellaneous
- Personnel onsite today
- Today’s Record kept by?
This faultless Diary includes everything you will need to run a successful and profitable project site, which is crucial as project sites in the construction industry tend to become very chaotic and busy in their day to day running. With this site diary handy, you will not forget to record anything and this will benefit you immensely in the short and long term for the following reasons:
- The Diary will ensure you are paid for all the works that you have carried out as you will record all works that you do and make sure all variations and additional works are documented, signed off by the appropriate personnel and therefore authorised. All the works you have carried out for the day will be organised in a concise and presentable manner, which will work in your favour shall your dispute land in Adjudication under the Security of Payments Act. The concise nature of the Diary will mean that you will not forget to charge for works you have carried out; hence making sure your Project site remains profitable and runs smoothly.
- The Diary serves as Contemporaneous Evidence in the case of a dispute arising about payment due or works completed; that is, evidence from the exact point in time in which the incident in dispute occurred. This means that the any extract from the Diary used in the Adjudication process under the Security of Payments Act will be given more weight by the Adjudicator hence working in your favour.
- The precise nature of the documentation required by Diary allows you to monitor the profitability and efficiency of your project site. Through being able to see exactly how much time and labour was used to carry out contract and/or variation works, you will be able to better allocate time, money, labour and other resources in the future on your project site.
At only $9.90* per site diary, the Construction Project Site Diary is an essential item on every project site. To order yours today, contact RECOUP now!