Security Of Payment Act Alternatives
If you are fortunate enough to be in a position where you and your client can work through issues with the assistance of a third party then not only will both of you save significant costs but we will help facilitate a speedy resolution.
RECOUP Contractor Debt Recovery recommends the use of mediation to resolve disputes between members of the construction community where conciliation is possible. It is worthwhile for its effectiveness, efficiency and economy.
The process begins with the standard procedures of a basic mediation; payment claims, payment schedules, adjudication applications, responses, pleadings, discovery, subpoenas and the other formalities that are common to binding adjudication, arbitration or litigation.
The sooner parties can find enough common ground the sooner the dispute is settled.
A Mediator helps the parties to find common ground.
Mediation can save construction contractors tens of thousands of dollars in legal costs.
Contact us for assistance.