Security Of Payments Act Online Payment Schedule Form Your Payment Schedule - Help Us See The Whole Picture So We can Deliver The Result You Want First name:* Last name:* Your business name:* Your business ABN:* Your best contact number:* Your email address:* What state was the work done in?*NSWACTVICQLDTASSAWhen did the Claimant last work on the job? DD dash MM dash YYYY Please tell us what type of work the Claimant did and what led up to this payment dispute. How much do you say is payable and why do you say this is the amount that the Claimant is entiltled to.How much is being claimed?* Who is making the claim?* What is their ABN? (write unknown if not known)* What are their contact details? (phone numbers, fax, email, address etc)* Attached documentation: I have attached a copy of the contract or purchase order from my client (see upload section below) I have attached a copy of my outstanding invoice / claim / payment claim? (see upload section below) Please attach any copies of abovementioned documents here:You may upload multiple files if required. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 8 MB. Please subscribe me to RECOUP News How many years in two centuries? (To stop the spam bots - enter as a number not a word)*Submit button will appear below when answer is correct.