Building & Construction Industry Security Of Payment Act 2002
This page deals with who is best to prepare and serve your Payment Claim, how to get the most out of preparing and serving your Payment Claim, when to serve your Payment Claim and how to serve you Payment Claim.
Who Should Prepare Your Payment Claim
- Unless you are a highly experienced Contracts Administrator who has been through the adjudication process you may want to think twice about preparing and serving payment claims yourself.
- We know what may render a payment claim invalid and or defective.
- We know how to prepare a payment claim that will stand the test of a rigorous adjudication process.
- We know how to effect proper service – this is critical.
How to Get The Most Out Of Your Payment Claim
Each of your Payment Claims should be cumulative claims.
When To Serve Your Payment Claim
This starts with the Reference Date.
How To Serve You Payment Claim
The BCISPA 2002 is very clear; you must effect proper service.