Welcome to our very first Post !
We trust we will provide helpful information and assistance to all hardworking Subcontractors, Contractors, Consultants & Suppliers in the Building & Construction Industry Australia wide.
Our Company Creed is “A Laborer Is Worthy Of His Hire”. In other words, if you have done the work or supplied the goods you should be paid.
We are committed to providing the very best service possible to assist you in the recovery of the debt owed to you as a Subcontractor, Contractor, Consultant, Supplier by a Builder, Developer etc.. in the Building & Construction Industry.
In most instances we use the “Building & Construction Industry Security Of Payments Act” to help you recover your money but not always – sometimes there are more appropriate options.
Please visit our website for information on how we may assist you with Construction Debt Recovery further and use our site as a valuable resource for understanding the security Of Payments Act : recoup.com.au
You may call us on 1300 RECOUP (1300 732 687)
Our Email is : claims@recoup.com.au
Please follow our Security Of Payment Act Blog as we bring you important information on Construction Debt Recovery that will you help you get paid for all of your hard work !!
And if you would like to suggest a topic you would like us to cover please let us know by email and we will get right on it !
Best Wishes
RECOUP Contractor Debt Recovery